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Paddle Lines- The winners will stay on the court and split. No one will stay on the court for more than two games in a row. Score- The regular play to score will be eleven points unless four or more players are waiting, then they will play to nine.
The outdoor summer times and details are as follows:

Monday: 9:00 a.m.-Noon    
Wednesdays: 9:00 a.m.-Noon     
Thursdays:  2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.   
Fridays:  9:00 a.m.- Noon

During the above times, there will be one court designated for Beginners, one court designated for Advanced and the other two courts will be open to all abilities. This means that there will be a paddle line for the advanced court, a paddle line for the beginners, and one paddle line for the remaining two courts. There will also be a clipboard for folks to sign in on. Please make sure you sign in every time you play so we can have a proper head count for reports. 
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Add To Selection List 35223-3 SUMMER OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL 04/01/2024 -10/31/2024 12:00 am -12:00 pm M, W, Th, F PARKS $40.00/$40.00 Available